Monday, November 29, 2010

something new #3

I'm really really stubborn
I'm trying to work on being better.

For example, i can't STAND being told what to do. Whenever someone says, "oh, you'll have to [do something or other. Often "show it to me sometime"]"  or "do this" even if it's something that I want to do or was planning on doing anyway, I no longer want to do it.

In fact, I will do everything in my power to never ever do that thing.

Also the first thought I have after such a statement is, invariably, "I don't have to do anything."

the reverse is also true, if someone tells me not to do something, even if it's something I wouldn't have done anyway, doing that thing becomes the sole purpose of my life.

i need to not be so stubborn


My side. said...

hahah sounds exactly like me! love you!

Brooklyn said...
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Brooklyn said...

Stop being so stubborn. Geez.

Sharalyn said...

You are absolutely one else can tell you what to do. The challenge lies in being able to tell yourself what to do.