Friday, December 18, 2009

what's the opposite of feminist?

So...I work at a car wash. Every day I greet and talk to hundreds of people in their cars*
When a couple pulls up; whether they are old and wrinkly or young and probably driving without their parents for the first time; married or just dating** SEVEN out of TEN times,
T H E G I R L I S D R I V I N G ! !

I don't understand this! The only time I have EVER driven a boyfriend (the one and a half that I have had) anywhere, was when Luke and I went to Greenbluff and that was only because I didn't want him to know where we were going***. But like...even times when we needed to take my truck somewhere, I would always let him (whoever "he" happened to be at the time) drive.
EXAMPLE: I'm writing this at work, and somewhere in the middle of the last paragraph I had to go wash three cars. THRICE (that's a fun word) they were married couples, and THRICE (yep, I used it again) the girl was driving.
It just doesn't make sense to my brain! Am I backwards for thinking that the man should always drive (unless he's recently been under the influence of alcohol or anesthetics)? Would my feminist sisters out there weep and wail and gnash their teeth to read this? Am I un-doing what they've worked for?

I don't know.

But I still think it's weird

*Well, we'd LIKE to have hundreds of customers, anyway :]

**Hey, I go to BYU Idaho. It's pretty much engrained into my brain to check peoples' hands for wedding bands. It's like a reflex now.

***It ended up not mattering. The boy grew up in Post Falls and had never even HEARD of Greenbluff! What?!


Stephen Anderson said...

I'm with you on this one. I think the guy should drive.

"A woman Santa? Where does it stop?"

Brooklyn said...

First off....Greenbluff? I'm lost.

Second, you're right. My dad *always* drives. It's just weird for the girl to drive.

Third, thank you Stephen. That quote fits in perfectly. :)

Julia said...

what is feminism anyways....(i know) but i think it has been blown way out of proportion. i with you all the way!

Hailee said...

Brooklyn, you've never heard of Greenbluff either? What?! It's this chain of farms out in like Meade where, depending on the time of year, you can go and they have like a billion pumpkin patches or you can pick apples or cherries or strawberries and they have hay rides and corn mazes and the best cider in the world's heaven. Maybe because I grew up in Spokane...