Friday, December 17, 2010

faculty vs students

today was my last day of work (I'm super sad about that) and to kick off the christmas break with a bang, we had a faculty vs students basketball game.

The girls played the first and third quarters and the guys played the second and fourth. I wasn't originally planning on playing, but my friend Hailey that I teach with convinced me, so I gave in.

And boy I'm glad I did! It was super fun and I was glad to see that, even though I haven't played competitively since I was a freshman in high school, I still have a little bit of game :)

Those little girls were seriously brutal though, I got pretty banged up.

It was a little scary, however, when the first quarter got over. For those who may not know, I have a heck of a time absorbing iron, so I get tired really easily. I was feeling lightheaded so I walked to where no one could see me and sat down and I ended up almost blacking out :\ It took me to the end of the second quarter to be able to sit up, and then to the end of halftime to stand. But with nine minutes to go in the third quarter, I went back in the game and played the rest of the time.

And not just the players were brutal, but oh those fans! These are kids who have grown up going to Utah State Aggie games and cheered accordingly. Taunts of "you! will! miss! it! you! will! miss! it!", "LOSER! LOSER! LOSER! LOSER!", "You still suck! You still suck!" and many more filled the gym. I just laughed every time but it gave me a greater appreciation for what my friends who play for the Aggies go through. Or more appropriately, their competitors.

I even got fouled a couple times in the second half, but it was hard shooting my free throws when I was seeing double and not sure which basket to aim for.

Anyway, the teachers ended up winning and we were told we were the best girls team they've had in years. I just have one thing to say to those middle schoolers...


Unknown said...

haha Hailee this is so funny to me because this is where I went to middle school, and when I was in 8th grade I was totally one of those middle school girls playing against the teachers. so crazy!!

hairyshoefairy said...

I only went to one game my entire time at USU but my little bro and sis go all the time and love it. It's insane! I think it's funny the students and faculty brought it into your game as well.