Saturday, April 2, 2011

star struck

So...about a week ago I was on facebook and saw that two of my favorite photographers, Jake Garn and Ryan Muirhead, were putting on a free workshop. With adrenaline pumping, I registered and then sat back and waited to hear if I got in. 
Last night I got an email telling me that only one third of the people who applied got accepted...
These guys are seriously rockstars of photography right now, this is a pretty amazing opportunity.
If you're wondering who I'm talking about, refer to this post.  or this one. or this one.

At the same time though, I don't really feel like I deserve it. 
I don't do big things like this.
I back out of big opportunities. 
I tell myself I don't deserve it; i'm not really into portraiture and I'm a very amateur picture taker. 
I don't even really think of myself as a photographer. It's why I do weddings for free and don't advertise as much as I should.

But I'm so excited for this! I feel like I just won an acting workshop with Brad Pitt (yeah...I may have a little bit of a crush on Ryan...)

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