Wednesday, February 22, 2012


This last weekend, I had the most fun I've had in a REALLY long time! I think every weekend of college should be like the last one. 
It was the long weekend, so my and Janessa's old roommate* Ali came up from Provo to visit us. That was fun enough.
Friday night, pretty much the second after Al got here, we went to dinner at the best eating establishment  Rexburg has to offer--the taco bus (the one by the roundabout, obviously. The other one is a sad, weak imitation of this one.)
(can you tell I got these pictures from the facebook? haha)

After consuming five times the daily recommended value of...well, calories in general, we headed home to digest.
Which didn't last long, because we were soon on our way to one of the most glorious places on this earth, G's Dairy Delights! Love me some G's!


To round off a night of adventure, the three of us and some other friends went hot tubbing somewhere and just talked about a lot of things (some funny, some serious) and had a blast. I think I probably have a six-pack now, I was laughing so hard the whole night! We went to bed at like five that night. That
(According to Al, this is called a "selfie." She's high-falutin now that she moved to provo, where there are more than 5 options for restaurants and half of those aren't inside old school buses. Whatev.)

On Saturday Janessa and I did homework most of the day. At night we went to a concert at Sammy's with our friends McCade and Erick. (Janessa and I got a lemon cupcake shake which was insanely disappointing).
(The guys were REALLY excited to be in this picture, obviously)

Followed by dinner at Applebee's.


 This night there was this huge snowstorm, pretty much the first of the winter, so later that night we went tubing behind a friend's truck.


We came through a little worse for the wear, but it was fun. 
So that happened. 
Sunday night Mom and Phil came to hear my fireside, it was neat to have them there. 
Monday we went out to breakfast and just chilled and had an easy day. 
Now it's back to school, my second week of teaching, and lots and lots of stress. 

It was a good weekend. 
Every weekend should be like this.

*Mine and Janessa's roommate? *Janessa's and my roommate? I worried over this for like five minutes and I still have no clue what the right one is. 
If you know what it is, don't tell me...I already feel bad enough about myself. 
 Oh well.

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