Friday, November 27, 2009


I could come up with a witty beginning, but I'm on a trytophan hangover from yesterday and the witty part of my brain is temporarily broken. So I'll just start with: I have too much time on my hands at work when I start at 6:30 and we don't get busy until more of the world is awake. Recently I've discovered a whole bunch of different types of googles! Here are some of my favorites: (i turned thim into links. Go ahead and click on them--you know you want to!)

pink google
(also purple, blue, green)

For every 1000 hits each ad gets, the companies donate money to cancer research. I only use this one now

i don't actually know how to use this one, but it's fun to say "gizzoogle"

everything is backwards!

give you four separate google browsers in one window

mystery google
gives you the results from the person before you

The end.
Also, happy thanksgiving yesterday!
The end for reals.

1 comment:

Marky Mark and the Funky bunch said...

I just wanted to leave a comment under my new user name. I thought you would appreciate it. We ARE a funky bunch! It was great seeing you at Thanksgiving!!XOXOXO