Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Catching up on everything

Some really exciting things happened last semester that I never blogged about! I'd like to do that now :)
1) I went home. Home home to Coeur d'Alene and it was FANTASTIC. It was so good to be in beautiful CDA and to see people I hadn't seen since before my first year at BYUI. On my last night at home, I hiked Tubbs Hill with Bryant Baird, who was leaving for the MTC a few days later. It was good to catch up with him :)
Me and Bryant (sideways, sorry). Not very flattering of me, but who reads my blog anyways? =P
He's still in the MTC waiting for his visa right now, but as soon as that happens he'll be serving in Sao Paulo, Brazil. He's going to be an awesome missionary!

2) The next weekend I forced my friend Jake to drive me to Provo so I could see Brooklyn. There's a big hare krishna festival at the Hindi Temple in Spanish Fork called the Festival of Colors and it was AWESOME! People throw handfuls of colored chalk at each other. I think it's to welcome spring, but that could be way off. It's chaotic and loud and amazing. I even got kissed by some random *really attractive* man. I think he was just running around grabbing girls to kiss, but I'm pretty sure we had a connection :)
Anyway. Here's me and Bklyn. Also sideways, but necks are flexible.

3) The NEXT weekend was general conference, so two of my roommates, Janessa and Jess, and I went to Jess's house in Burley. Jess's mom fed us almost constantly and between meals we stuffed our faces with candy and watched movies and slept. It was one of my favorite weekends all semester! On the way into Burley, we stopped at Jake's Over the Top, an icecream place that I fell in love with when I was an EFY counselor in Ogden this summer.

The End

Thursday, April 22, 2010


1) Wowza this semester is going to be a busy one!

2) 'Tis the season! Engagement fever is in the air. Ladies and gentlemen, make sure to get vaccinated...
I jest :) For the most part. Half the people I know are engaged! Insanity...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Back to the Burg

I go back to Rexburg tomorrow.
I've got a few lines from a new musical I've been listening to stuck in my head

every day this act we act gets more and more absurd
and all my fears just sit inside me, screaming to be heard.
I know they won't, though--not a single word

this about sums up my feelings right now.
I don't think I'm ready to go back.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Close call

Once upon a time in the last week, I was standing in the living room and not wearing any pants (because sometimes, in the course of human events, people stand in their living room pant-less)
when a boy knocked on the door.
The moral of this story is: I'm glad it wasn't one of the many boys who just walks into our apartment without knocking.
Or Ted Bundy.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Finals Week

Finals week makes me want to pull my hair out.
All of it.
But right now I'm done until thursday so I'm giving myself the rest of today and tonight to just veg:)
I have pictures to post, I just can't find my camera cord. Here are some awesome things that have happened recently that make me happy:
  • Provo/Brooklyn/Festival of colors = AMAZING weekend!
  • most of my finals DONE!
  • a new book
  • conference weekend in Burley
I just wanted to write something, to be able to update. I'll make a real post with pictures very soon.
Love love love Hailee